Police corruption is real fuck yard and it happens everyday all across this country and has for .. Yoga tree of life mandala jigsaw puzzle Well ever. Why do you think you where givin the right to remain silent? You don’t know do you. You don’t get it
Yoga tree of life mandala jigsaw puzzle
They forget it is just the opposite we the people are there superiors. Btw the job is not that hard. I give them all the tools they need and they still can’t do there jobs correctly. my guy put it right. Yoga tree of life mandala jigsaw puzzle Nothing to hide nothing to cause a scene about. These are just ordinary people doing there jobs their job IS to ask questions, dummy. Trying to keep drunks off the road and protect innocent people. You got nothing to hide then there should be no issue answering questions. Swallow your pride and let these officers do their jobs. no, the police are not ordinary people doing thier jobs. They are the worst criminals out there aside from politicians. They are not your friend, ever , in ANY SITUATION.
THANK YOU!!. You put it BETTER than we could ever have said it. Give them a Uniform, Badge, and a Gun. And they SUDDENLY turn into GODS??. That are determined to ruin INNOCENT peoples lives. By constantly HARASSING us the people. And won’t LEAVE US ALONE to get on with living our lives. There should be a COMMITTEE of the GENERAL PUBLIC. Set up to administer FAIRNESS. So that IF they don’t treat the general public With the RESPECT they DESERVE. Then they are FIRED, and LOSE their job, and PENSION. What part was full of shit? What part of you have the right to remain silent don’t you understand. I know you probably don’t get out much so you have no idea what goes on in the real world.

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