Putting the decisions of what treatments You’ll never walk alone autism awareness full over printed shirt we receive in the hands of bureaucrats does not equate to taking free amounts of decisions away from the people. People are confined by what insurance they’re able to pay for or what their employer is willing to give them
You’ll never walk alone autism awareness full over printed shirt
Well, that pretty much qualifies as the dumbest comment on this discussion so far. Where do you get that out of my comment? Where do I propose anything? Oh, that I think we should take care of each other in my community? Need surgery? Go to the county hospital where your family doc has already You’ll never walk alone autism awareness full over printed shirt communicated with the surgeon on staff. Yeah OK, I was just joshin’ with you.. but you have to admit the whole “we take care of ourselves” thing doesn’t work
when you’re talking about high-level health care. And as for “county hospital”… WHERE? Have you seen how many rural hospitals are closing? That’s what happens when you rely solely on the private sector. As for where – I can point to many in my area. Why remove them? For gov’t replacement? That’s where I draw the line. Back off the regulations and rules, have insurance back off their requirements for physicians with paperwork, and you’ll see more local hospitals and clinics open up again.

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