At first glance, people who are good at dealing with pressure are those who have a calm appearance and a calm way of dealing with problems. However, few people know that behind the poise exterior, they themselves have had to practice a lot to maintain a steady state of mind against the pressures of life.
Revealing 8 habits of people who are good under pressure
In fact, it is not always possible to stay calm in the face of unfortunate situations. However, for people with a high tolerance for stress, maintaining healthy habits will increase their ability to handle stress and recover quickly from stress. Discover 10 special habits of people who are good at under pressure with the ELLE below!
People who can handle pressure well are usually the ones who take care of themselves. They prioritize their bare minimum needs because they understand that, in order to get the job done effectively, they need to ensure their mental and physical health is in good shape. This means that they always prioritize their own health by getting all the nutrients they need, ensuring quality sleep and not trying to do things that are beyond their capabilities. They always have a fixed plan or schedule and only take on new tasks when they have enough time and energy to take on them. A common mistake people make today is being too focused on their work and neglecting themselves. This bad habit can overwhelm you, leading to symptoms of stress, anxiety, and burnout at work.
The next important habit of people who are good under pressure is to maintain the necessary relationships. When times are tough and need help, people who are good at dealing with the pressure always know who can help them in certain situations. They try to widen their social circle and get to know a lot of people in different professions and backgrounds. When stress and pressure surround them, they often manage the situation well by seeking helpful advice or friendly help from those around them. In business, for example, people who can handle pressure often have trusted mentors or colleagues. In life, they often have mentors or good friends to lead and share.
Instead of tormenting themselves with the mistakes of the past or always worrying about what might happen in the future, people who are good at working under pressure often focus on the present and should only care about what they do. can be controlled. Things that happened in the past certainly cannot be changed, but if we focus on the present, the future can turn out the way we want. Therefore, our control is not in the past or future, but in the present moment. This is a habit for strong people to always calm down before all stress and pressure.
One of the other important habit is maintaining meditation. Meditation or sitting meditation does not take too much time to do but will help you control your thoughts and emotions, thereby releasing negative energy. This mindfulness practice therapy will help you release stress and control your concentration, helping you stay calm in the face of difficulties. Meditation also helps you to create a growth space where you will confront your own positive and negative thoughts and feelings, and where you will find the answer to reality. Regulate your breath, focus on the flow of air moving inside every time you inhale and exhale, you will find your soul calm and say goodbye to all worries.
The next habit of people who are good at working under pressure is to always sort through the problems they are facing and try to solve each problem thoroughly instead of dealing with everything at once. They break down each difficulty and decide when is the right time to tackle each challenge. This habit will help them solve the root of the problem and avoid possible arising. After solving one bottleneck, they can safely move on to face the next problem.
People who are good under pressure, often don’t apply black-and-white thinking. Such thinking often puts us in baseless speculations, leading to unwarranted disappointments and wasting our time and energy. You can see that way of thinking in the following hypothetical sentences:
- “If I don’t get this job, my career will be over.”
- “If I can move to this new place, everything will be perfect just like my dream.”
It can be seen that such a clear way of thinking will bring you so much negativity or positivity that you feel pressured or stuck in fantasies instead of reality. That’s why people who can handle pressure often avoid absolute black-and-white thinking.
Faced with the same problem, many people will choose different solutions to solve it. Some people ask for the help of others, some people make judgments based on the situation, and some people rely on emotions to find direction. People who possess good pressure resistance often use reason to face reality. Faced with pressing problems, they always ask themselves two things:
- What problem am I facing?
- What can I do in this situation?
After answering these questions, they will find a solution for themselves. Sometimes the problem is not as serious or urgent as you think, instead of panicking and letting your emotions guide you, take the time to find a solution to the current situation. People who stay calm under pressure believe that every problem can be solved, and they will rely on their ability to judge the situation, thereby finding the right way to overcome it.
Life is not a straight path lined with roses. Life pressures, unhealthy relationships, financial difficulties… everyone carries their own burdens and must learn to face their own problems. For those who are good at dealing with pressure, instead of blaming their circumstances and seeing themselves as victims of their difficulties, they learn to stay calm and find ways to overcome any challenges life brings. More than anyone else, they understand the stress and fatigue in life as a matter of course and everyone is facing their own sufferings. They comfort themselves that they are not alone and see difficulties as challenges and lessons to be overcome.
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