This country was started and based on The death hold san francisco 49ers full printing shirt our Christianity this is why we have been prosperous! Like it or not this is a fact ! It won’t turn communist because we won’t let it happen , prayer works my friend it is a fact of living in a free Country !
The death hold san francisco 49ers full printing shirt
Maybe you should ask that old fart socialist who has never made his own money from a real job how to fleece the public to buy stuff for yourself. I’d doubt much of his $$ trickles down to anyone else. you sound like what my parents did when they came here from Poland though The death hold san francisco 49ers full printing shirt Ellis Island in the mid 1900’s. They never took a penny from the government because they were too proud. Instead they worked very hard
and ended up as grateful and proud American citizens. You should watch the PBS documentary on Cuba. People hustling to feed their family doing “illegal peddling” old people with not enough food, standing in long lines for everything, living in condemned buildings. that is why your worried ! Gods hand is on our Country ! There is nothing that the Lord won’t allow because He is in control !
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