and truly want their relationship to work. New york yankees mlb full printing shirt But it takes hard work, open communication and willingness for forgiveness. Forgiveness is something hard for people to do or achieve these days,
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I could only read part of your comment because i realized how weak minded it was. No, a women shouldnt stay with an abusive man. And back then.. If people heard about a man abusing his wife.. Idk about up north but down south, the men would go and handle it. But women were stronger New york yankees mlb full printing shirt back then than they are today. So were the men. im guessing they should of pointed that out. That you shouldnt try to fix a person whose
become abusive in some form and that their are some situations where you should walk away from someone. That’s the Problem, too many people walk away from their marriages and right into another marriage, bringing their same problems & issues with them, WITHOUT ever trying to fix the problems & issues that faced them in their first marriage! Couples can and do get pass infidelity (NOT talking about the serial cheater or wife beater types) if they seek to restore their marriage
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