See why the rich get richer n the poor gets poorer Chicago cubs lava skull full printing shirt i like that people think this is all real.. hahaha.. hire actors next time, not random people. So the rich one
Chicago cubs lava skull full printing shirt
race make’s know different to me , never judge someone who’s poor you don’t know there story, I heard many believe me, and would make you cry, some had ran away from a abusive home, Chicago cubs lava skull full printing shirt I remember in the winter it was freezing cold ice on the ground, I thought how could these people sleep outside like this? There was a old black lady sleeping on the streets, we was going into a cafeteria I asked her what she would like to eat and drink , I got her what she wanted and gave her some money, I will never forget how hard her hand felt , she smiled and said thank you, never judge put yourself in there position and see how you would feel,
when we die know matter how rich you are, you can’t take anything with you, you die poor the same as them, if you are lucky enough to have good money, do some good with it and help the poor, it’s God’s wish, as he says in the bible, never judge someone who you don’t know there story. Why you not give more he’s a nice guy he’s poor !!!!you need help he helping you that’s frank I know but why you not helping that poor man That was just plain crazy they prefer giving to a person that has more than to someone that has nothing wow I am like so shock Really I Hope it’s for your Baby and not for your car payment God is good but I pray it really is for your baby. This is really sad.

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