ITS TIME TO PULL TOGETHER PEOPLE!! That reporter was obviously busting his balls. Wolf viking fenrir filter activated carbon face mask Did he have a decent response to her questions? Yes. Did he INSULT HER? Did he BELITTLE HER ?
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Everyone is going through a tough now but won’t be long. But if we don’t stay calm then the situation will out of hand and will be worse I’m from California & I love listening to his daily conference updates. Wolf viking fenrir filter activated carbon face mask This is a man who tells it exactly how it is, minus the frills and thrills. “You need a job, be an essential worker! There you go, you have a job” I dont think he grasps the full weight of the situation here. Yes there are a lot of morons protesting because they cant get a haircut, but running out of money, struggling to feed their families is just as serious.
If the government wants people to stay at home they need to provide financial relief so that they dont go out and protest. Humans will always try to address the immediate danger, which in their case is lack of food and money, as dangerous as this virus is, if people reach a certain point, they will take that risk in order to provide for their families. Unfortunately the government is not willing to do that. Governor Cuomo is an outstanding leader. His clarity of thought and communication skills are outstanding. I wish we had him in the Uk. My best wishes to all Americans. He is right, nobody is thriving right now, we are all going without some of the things we want. Just live minimal and just get what you need for now, and stay alive to see it through. As he said if you want work there is plenty of jobs needing essential workers.

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