What ur basically saying is everyone in hospitality needs to. Major league baseball chicago white sox full printing shirt go learn it . How ridiculous does that sound . But anyway u go ahead and keep ur opinion and
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Not when we have coronavirus around. The employee was an ass but if she couldn’t hear why didn’t her companion place the order? She can speak clearly so she can order without hearing anything from the speaker. Major league baseball chicago white sox full printing shirt It’s hard to take order when the orders are lining up already upon reaching the window. what makes me mad is when you say you can’t hear them or understand them and they speak lower then they get mad when you keep telling them to talk louder.. like wft , they have no right to be mad because all they had to do was to talk louder This is a shit show, one is deaf and the other one uses English as 2nd language
problem solved go in if you cant hear the speaker you knowingly are putting yourself in the situation. Unless she does that to sue why else was there a camera on ? well! I thought they guy in the video was one of the most ignorant people I have seen but then I read these comments! Ignorant people everywhere you dint need to explain yourself, it’s common curtesy to understand. why should she have to so she should lose her independence because he is useless at customer service.. Maybe he should get a new job and have some compassion instead of being an ass not everyone should have to learn Auslan just bc of a random customer who has a speaking passenger with her . That is if she’s even deaf of course . I speak Auslan not bc I have to but bc I wanted to .
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