Everyone? SORRY GO FUCK YOURSELF. Star wars tropical flower hawaiian shirt If someone gets breast cancer then they have to pay. I shouldn’t have to pay. Sux you came on hard times but it’s not my responsibility to take care of everyone.
Star wars tropical flower hawaiian shirt
You might just die before you are able to have the surgery to save your life. Yes every one should have coverage if wars can be affored wy not invest in health care we all need it.dont you? Star wars tropical flower hawaiian shirt Healthcare is not a right, I don’t have a right to conscripts a person and force them to work for me. That is a form of slavery. Anyone that disagrees needs to go back over the Constitution and the bill of rights. Yea well you’re wrong. It is a privilege. Healthcare is NOT a right. If you have a right to healthcare, that means you have a right to a person’s time and skills, whether they want to utilize them with you or not.
That’s called slavery. “I think that I am entitled to the goods and services of other people and the fact that there are costs involved is bad!” Health care isn’t a fucking human right. Ether you can afford it or you can’t. You want it as a right go to a country that has I and pay taxes out your ass and still be broke this is so played out. Cause she was faced with death?! I think its more than just you.. Thats the issue Healthcare is not a human right. If someone stuffs themselves with fast food and needs care then who is to foot the bill? Everyone? Sorry, take care of your own. If someone gets breast cancer and try to survive due to the sake of their kids and just the fight …who is to foot the bill?
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![Star wars tropical flower hawaiian shirt 2](https://owndesignshirt.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Star-wars-tropical-flower-hawaiian-shirt-2.jpeg)
![Star wars tropical flower hawaiian shirt 3](https://owndesignshirt.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Star-wars-tropical-flower-hawaiian-shirt-3.jpeg)
![Star wars tropical flower hawaiian shirt 4](https://owndesignshirt.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Star-wars-tropical-flower-hawaiian-shirt-4.jpeg)
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