And again you want me to Enlighten your so here let me Enlighten you, Fireball cinnamon whisky wine hawaiian shirt when you go through a drive-thru, and you can’t use the speaker, you pull up to the
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would she order food from a fast food restaurant when many are closed except for drive-thru orders due to coronavirus? Please enlighten us all with your vast knowledge and understanding Fireball cinnamon whisky wine hawaiian shirt of the inner-thinking’s of the hearing impaired community. well you sarcastic snowflake you, let me edify your unintellectual mind! Everybody in the world knows the drive-through systems are designed for you to drive through speaking to a speaker and hear what it said through that same speaker! Rather you’re in second grade, fifth grade, a senior in high school, or hold the highest level of position within the Mensa Society oh, you know that to use a speaker you have to be able to hear and speak!
And how I know that the guys video was the first one, because the guy did it years ago, and this video was recent! And again she knew going through a drive-through would create a hassle in the first place as the drive-thru system has not been updated to allow for self entry orders! And so you know, as well as the rest of the world, if a deaf person walks up to a restaurant door and knocks on the door at Jose sign up to the door explaining that they’re deaf, the employees will take the order for the deaf person at the door instead of forcing them to have to go through the drive-thru! And I never said that deaf people are not discriminated against unless they instigated! That’s your words trying to make things fit the narrative that you wanted to fit so you can stand on your soapbox!

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