so forcing your beliefs on others then. Louisville cardinals this is how i save the world carbon filter face mask And your belief is the child should be punished for being rape. Just throw her in a cell already. “it’s about doing what’s right.” You do not!
Louisville cardinals this is how i save the world carbon filter face mask
Nothing to do with people being stupid. Choosing the high road is harder for a reason. I don’t know where I stand with the few that are born and depend on life support to survive, similar to a coma patient. Louisville cardinals this is how i save the world carbon filter face mask If a woman is raped then an abortion may be necessary. The child would be a constant reminder of her rape. The child and the mother would both suffer horribly. What about people with autism it makes me ill to think that young girl would be put through such a unwanted pregnancy. So wrong on so many levels. and if no one adopts them. At 6 weeks if a woman has a miscarriage what she sees in her underwear on the floor in the toilet is a blood clot potential life.
Right by WHOSE standards? And WHO ARE YOU or ANYONE ELSE iis where YOU have a say in what happens in my life and how? Are YOU stepping up and putting your Christian values to work to help FEED, CLOTHE, FINANCE, BABYSIT or in the case of a medically dangerous pregnancy…where mom and baby’s life is at risk? You sitting there going through all the medical procedures amd dealing with the emotional trauma of this. You then better MAKE SURE ALL BIRTH CONTROL OPTIONS stay on the table. Same with abortions… don’t want one… don’t get one. See how easy it is? However, if I behave irresponsibly with my body… ultimately it affects me. Where does it affect you??? If irresponsible people get a hold of guns… what happens? Othe people get hurt. Big difference.
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