who eat really well and stay fit ..and some real old fuddy duddy guys the same age. Kanaka maoli polynesian turtle coconut tree and plumeria hawaiian shirt That is a generalization. It depends on how one lives and handles stress etc.
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I felt the same way and prayed for a Guardian Angel but God brought me a real live person who is my Angel. anyone who does this ,doesn’t love you… think about it logically would you do it to him??? Kanaka maoli polynesian turtle coconut tree and plumeria hawaiian shirt No because you love him and want to be with him, but men are programmed by nature to spread their seed to as many woman as possible ,this way their genes are spread wide and far and become a strong force… if every woman realised men are not meant to be with one person all their life ,there wouldn’t be so much heartache ,think about this, how come us women lose our looks at about menopause age (( 40/50s )) yet men stay handsome way into old age ?
It’s nature’s way of making sure older men can still father kids with younger fertile women ,that’s why we slowly become no more use, fertility wise to men… So all men are fighting against nature to stay faithful to one women, and the heartache that follows cos they just can’t do it!!!!!! Why do stepdads (( some not all of course )) have the ability to kill their step kids?? It’s been a known fact, they don’t want to raise other people’s DNA ,they want their own, its nature…. I’m sorry for what’s happening in your life, don’t take it as a rejection, you can’t force anyone to love you…. you only became valuable because you became unavailable. Had you gone back, it would have been business as usual within a week. I’ve been seeing some classy older ladies..

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