Once at the speaker no one one called up to him to order, Guinness beer hawaiian shirt so he went to the window to order. There they told him he couldn’t order at the window and did not take his order.
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And even if it was premeditated, that would indicate this bozo had a pattern of unacceptable behavior to a customer, so. Though I will say that it is a little much to single out deaf people Guinness beer hawaiian shirt for this reason rather than just hiring as a part of the normal process. This interaction is a good example for customer service training, but group-selective hiring is going a little too far. I agree, I also feel that if a person has the intelligence to drive, operate modern day technology and give birth that something as simple and necessary as not being misunderstood would be second nature, but me thinking using logic and common sense could have made ordering the # 8 combo a lot easier on her behalf just like him
writing it down for her or her showing up with it already Written down I mean both could have been reasonable but more so on the person presenting the issue.. Any other time challenged people feel insulted when you aren’t treating them like everyone else until they can’t get what they want. I think she should receive equal treatment just like any other hearing person. Oh wait it’s the law. The ADA law makes it if any business, government, schools, or people in general don’t give equal access because of a disability that they can get sued for it. And in this case he is breaking the ADA law. some employees are mean. With this covid thing going on my husband as a truck driver stood behind cars in a drive thru to order at mcdonalds.

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