In Sha Allah! Majority of people in India are good hearted like you! Floral flamingo will remove for wine face mask But unfortunately few terrorists are holding our Nation in capture! We have to free our Nation..
Floral flamingo will remove for wine face mask
to army personnel too and that’s what justifies the use of pellet guns ensuring maximum restraint. In our country even Normal People and ordinary innocent people like Jayraj and fenix are killed by police. Floral flamingo will remove for wine face mask That’s itself is a big human right violation. So, it remains to be seen how the gentleman will react when faced with a deadly terrorist with an assault rifle in hand… I give him an equal chance with similar weapon… A person like him can bring peace and sanity in society which can help the whole nation! Compassion and kindness could change the world!!! “Ahhiemssa” Brut is posting more antination point of view. Hiding true agenda by flowery language and using educated but innocent people.
Hello, if you can not shoot a terrorist then why you joined the army or police? Army is for protecting country and taking strict actions against any sort of terrorist on the command of governments. But if you wish to help people in other ways, then you should leave this renounded profession and start NGOs in kashmir, kerala, bengal. why only kashmir is ok for you? People all over India and all over world want help in some way or other. So whether it’s kashmir or bengal, what difference does it make! I didn’t specifically mentioned any state though. But if you think people don’t vote BJP there, then it might be your personal opinion. I already mentioned in my previous comment that, “what difference does it make”. My brother, I salute you…. Hope leaders like you will take the steering wheel of our nation! And lead our Nation to peace and security!

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