Well here in USA we pay a lot of taxes but our government Volkswagen beetle hawaiian beach full printing blanket is very wasteful as much as we pay we should be able to have health care I don’t mind if I paid $200 a month because insurance is way too high
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I’ve had 2 kids via emergency c section and walked away with no nasty bills. Yes we pay a lot of taxes but everyone gets taken care of here! There are some cons Volkswagen beetle hawaiian beach full printing blanket to universal healthcare but overall we are extremely happy with it. Like Canada I would love to see those taxes go to healthcare. I’m so jealous! I know America was built on “rugged individualism”, but we used to at least always come together in a crisis. Now the country is so polarized and some people so blinded by hate, they ignore science and experts if something remotely inconveniences them, especially if it’s for someone else’s benefit, not their own… Sadly, too many Americans have become selfish and entitled.
(Especially with the sorry excuse of the current “president” as a role model I applaud you for your convictions. Really irks me that so many In the US complain about it incessantly, but never do anything else, like work to help us get better, or move to another country they think is better. Do we have problems? Oh, my yes! But this is my country, and at least for now, I will pledge it my allegiance and do what I can to help solve our issues. One thing about Canada that someone pointed out is that you have three political parties. We only have two, for all intents and purposes, which makes it very difficult to get good candidates from which to choose. Canada has multiple parties, not just three. The two-party system is broken.
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