and encourage violence without any compunctions or concern for consequences and then do great violence. that seems to be their main drive and motive. The wizard of oz judy garland 80th anniversary quilt the politics and hidden behind the scene faces are just a convenient excuse. the media fans the flames, hides behind rhetoric, protests for and protects the guilty.
The wizard of oz judy garland 80th anniversary quilt
Socialism and Communism are by their nature a direct opposite of our American Constitutional Republic. They do away with personal Liberties and freedom and is what my father and uncles and cousins fought against! They have embedded themselves into our educational systems and indoctrinated our kids into believing this crap! We need to wake up America! people. I live near a major city in the south and have seen some of the crap they do. The wizard of oz judy garland 80th anniversary quilt And fairly recently, I might add… But nothing on even the local channels. Antifa is a domestic terror group hiding in the shadows and need to have the light shines on them for what they are, and that’s fascists

All antifa do is provide an organised response to the LARP-ing militia boys who like to parade around chanting right wing slogans, and genuine fascists like those at Charlottesville. You’ll notice that the resurgence of the antifascist movement directly corresponds to the recent emergence of white nationalism in the US (Proud Boys) (Alt-right). It is also necessary to acknowledge that Antifa are not a homogenous group with any core doctrines. Saying antifa is a “terrorist organisation” is like saying that the antiwar movement is a “terrorist organisation”.
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