such benefits for longer periods of time is more likely to receive such benefits in the future. denver broncos busy block ugly christmas sweater DHS also notes, as updated in the regulatory text, that receipt of a public benefit occurs when
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DHS believes that Congress must have understood, however, that certain aliens who were unlikely to become public charges when seeking admission or adjustment of status might thereafter denver broncos busy block ugly christmas sweater reasonably find themselves in need of public benefits. Consequently, in PRWORA, Congress made limited allowances for that possibility. Nevertheless, if an alien subsequent to receiving public benefits wishes to adjust status in order to remain in the United States permanently or leaves the United States and later wishes to return, the public charge inadmissibility consideration would again come into play. In other words, although an alien may obtain public benefits for which he or she is eligible, the receipt of those benefits may be considered, consistent with IIRIRA and PRWORA, for future public charge inadmissibility determination purposes.
DHS recognizes that Congress through CHIPRA expanded the Medicaid coverage for children and pregnant women who are lawfully residing in the United States, including those within their first five years of having certain legal status. In this final rule, DHS has exempted from consideration receipt of Medicaid by children under 21 and pregnant women during pregnancy and 60 days following pregnancy by amending the definition of public benefit in 8 CFR 212.21. As discussed in the NPRM, the benefits that will be considered in this rule account for some of the largest federal expenditures on low-income individuals and bear directly on self-sufficiency. The benefits listed are directed toward food and nutrition, housing, and healthcare, and are directly relevant to the public charge inadmissibility determination, because a person who needs the public’s assistance to provide for these basic necessities of life and receives
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