relate to the self-sufficiency of individuals and their receipt of public benefits. washington redskins ugly christmas sweater DHS acknowledges that immigrants provide significant contribution to the United States
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Commenters stated that the rule puts the country at risk by forcing choices no family should have to make. Commenters noted that alien parents will limit or forego their U.S. washington redskins ugly christmas sweater citizen children’s receipt of public benefits to avoid adverse immigration consequences. Commenters stated that the rule would force eligible immigrants to withdraw their families from assistance programs for fear of adverse immigration consequences, which would undermine access to essential health, nutrition, and other critical benefits and services. Several commenters, expressing the view that no person in the United States should be denied federal assistance programs or public benefits, said that immigrants should not have to make impossible choices between their health or providing for their family’s immediate
needs and risking their immigration status or keeping their family together. Some commenters said that the proposed rule would cause patients diagnosed with cancer or HIV to choose between accessing needed health services or suffering adverse consequences with respect to their immigration status. A commenter stated that their state had the highest rate of insurance coverage in the nation, and that it is vital that patients and families continue to access care without fear of adverse immigration consequences. A number of commenters expressed concerns that families must choose between public housing or citizenship as a result of this rule. DHS is under no obligation to demonstrate that all or most aliens in the United States are not self-sufficient. To the extent that an alien is self-sufficient, the alien is unlikely to be affected by this rule. In the NPRM, DHS did provide extensive data on the lack of self-sufficiency among certain aliens, and showed how the minimum statutory factors identified by Congress

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