the surrender of reserve lands to the Crown for alienation to non-Indians. miami dolphins dan marino 13 full over printed shirt It clearly is possible for this land to be considered as falling within the territorial jurisdiction of this special court system.
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that if the Canadian courts conclude that exercising legislative powers over internal matters is an Aboriginal or treaty right, creating a result analogous to the domestic dependent nationhood status of Indian tribes in the United States, miami dolphins dan marino 13 full over printed shirt then it would follow logically that the laws so enacted are outside the Charter, just as American Indian tribal law is unaffected by the American Bill of Rights. It is important to reduce the likelihood of Aboriginal courts becoming too similar to the general regime, both in terms of style as well as in the substance of the law, so as to become distant from the communities that they are created to serve. This can be minimized by fostering the development of Aboriginal paralegals
with full rights of appearance akin to the tribal advocates in the United States. The experience in the American tribal court system has been that Aboriginal people who have worked in a variety of fields outside their reservations have been attracted to return to their home communities to seek judicial appointment, or to work in some capacity within the tribal court system. We believe that we would see a similar trend in Manitoba. We believe that there are a variety of well-qualified Aboriginal people who are available to fill the various personnel positions that will become available. The territorial jurisdiction for Aboriginal courts on lands declared to be for the use and benefit of individual First Nations, or for the Metis if that occurs in the future, is also not quite as clear-cut as it might appear on first impression. The Indian Act has allowed, and some might suggest it has fostered,
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