He said that he was fired shortly after he released the photographs of the meeting. everything will kill you so choose something fun satan vintage poster A copy of the plan was obtained by The New York Times and the AP in January 2018.
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saying that an average American household’s lighting cost would increase by about $100 a year. The spokesperson also said that using less efficient light bulbs would require the electricity produced by 25 coal power plants. everything will kill you so choose something fun satan vintage poster The ruling would allow some types of incandescent bulbs to remain in service. The U.S. states of California, Colorado, Nevada, Washington, and Vermont adopted their own energy standards. The California law was challenged in court by light bulb manufacturers but a judge ruled it was proper under the congressional exemption previously granted. In April 2018, the administration announced plans to undo the Obama administration’s auto fuel efficiency and emissions standards. In September 2019, Trump announced he planned to roll back the California waiver.
State attorney general Xavier Becerra said Trump had “no basis and no authority” to revoke the waiver. In a statement, Governor Gavin Newsom said, “It’s a move that could have devastating consequences for our kids’ health and the air we breathe if California were to roll over. We will fight this latest attempt and defend our clean car standards.” In March 2017, Perry met with Murray Energy CEO Robert Murray and coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler who would later replace Scott Pruitt as head of the EPA. Murray submitted a confidential “action plan” at the meeting. In an interview with the Associated Press Simon Edelman, who was at the time a government photographer who was taking photos of the meeting, the actions Murray wanted the Trump administration to take “included replacing members of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission, pulling the United States out of the Paris climate accords and revoking the Clean Power Plan.”
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