Sheesh. And it was God who gave these amazing scientists Notorious big snoop dogg ice cube tupac poster their brilliance and the scientists who worked so hard and chose to use their gifts and talents and hard work to benefit so many
Notorious big snoop dogg ice cube tupac poster
If you believe in god, then you believe he took their hearing in the first place.. What sort of sicko takes a baby’s hearing away?? That’s like thanking a thief for stealing your purse, bc they brought it back to you w/ a portion of the cash that you had in there very sad way to look at it. I get that nothing Notorious big snoop dogg ice cube tupac poster I would say or do could change your outlook. I wish you all the best and hope at some point in the future you feel differently. Be well. What precious babies!

Are you all aware that many in the deaf community are against these implants. A co-worker of mine was harassed by the group because she got them for her son. I’m afraid you don’t know the Scriptures as God did not take their hearing away, you assume to much. And who do you think created science? Why do people become so angry about someone’s faith in their God?? No matter what God it is. It takes a particularly shitty individual to attack someone because their faith.
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