But Ohio law also prohibits the use of an SMV emblem on any other vehicle. life is like riding a bicycle to keep your balance you must keep moving cycling vintage poster Is an APV or utility vehicle a piece of “farm machinery” that requires an SMV, or a vehicle that should not display an SMV?
life is like riding a bicycle to keep your balance you must keep moving cycling vintage poster
Without such support, the court concluded that there was no controversy it could resolve. Granting the township’s request for an injunction would thus amount to “judicial legislation,” said the court. life is like riding a bicycle to keep your balance you must keep moving cycling vintage poster The case raised considerable controversy in Sharon Township, where the owner of South Spring Farms requested ODA approval to install a 12,000 gallon anhydrous ammonia storage tank. Ohio law grants ODA the authority to adopt rules concerning the handling and storage of anhydrous ammonia and other fertilizers and also prohibits any local regulation of fertilizers. ODA created anhydrous regulations in the late 1970s; those regulations require ODA approval of the location and design of a stationary ammonia system. Mud and manure.
Ohio law prohibits the placement of any earth, mud, manure or other injurious materials on a public highway. Farmers should take care to clean up the road if the APV or utility vehicle leaves mud, manure or other debris on the roadway. Violation of the law may result in criminal misdemeanor charges as well as civil liability for accidents or injuries resulting from the road debris. Slow-moving vehicle emblems. Farmers should be aware that there is confusion over whether an APV or utility vehicle must display a Slow-Moving Vehicle emblem. Ohio law requires display of an SMV emblem on any farm machinery designed for operation at 25 miles per hour or less and defines “farm machinery” as all machines and tools used in the production, harvesting and care of farm products, including farm trailers, agricultural tractors, threshing machinery, hay-baling machinery, corn shellers, hammermills, and machinery used in the production of horticultural, agricultural, and vegetable products.
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