you might get SMACKED,because the one you are shaking doesn’t know The cat in the hat dr seuss quilt what’s going on, which triggers the ” fight or flight hormone” soo.Also being jangled awake by an alarm, human or metal upsets your system.
The cat in the hat dr seuss quilt
The best thing to start the day is praise and thank the Lord, deny your self and share your times, talent and treasure, Thanks and God bless, may peace prevail on earth This is amazing, but true. I’ve been in recovery for over 5 yrs now, last month, Sept, 2017 after my mom passed away, The cat in the hat dr seuss quilt I’ve felt a miraculous change in me. I still struggle with anxiety and other health conditions, but I feel more open minded and spiritual.
I’m engaging myself in my fellowship and I am able and humble to express my my true feeling and what I am going through and even with my anxiety and insomnia I find time to pray and meditate in one form or another and its been definitely helping. I have learned that when you wake up or wake someone up it should be done slowly,shaking someone awake is NOT a good idea,
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