you cannot murder someone, you cannot abuse someone physically, Norway god jul nisse 1947 vintage christmas poster you cannot kidnap and harbor someone on your property without consequence. so these are just a few examples to demonstrate that what you describe is not the way that the law works
Norway god jul nisse 1947 vintage christmas poster
it used to be very common for people to refuse to serve people because of the color of their skin, in their businesses. we, as a country, decided that was wrong. but i guess we still have some prejudices that are acceptable. imagine someone telling an obese person that they won’t serve them because they’re too fat… yeah, that would go over real well. ps, i agree that many food establishments say Norway god jul nisse 1947 vintage christmas poster “we have the right to refuse service to anyone”. i haven’t really seen it anywhere else, but i guess it reflects this same sentiment. you can choose
who you want to trade with. i definitely don’t agree with this woman silvana whose comment is above mine – lady any time you start saying everybody, always and never… you can bet you’re wrong. please know that plenty of people who have ideals that fall into “the left” have plenty of respect for the right of others and private property. your overstatements belie your lack of information on the topic. by the way, we are not allowed to do anything we want on our own property without repercussion.
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