My ex wife left me and our toddler children almost 20 years ago… Baby yoda and sprite steel tumbler she saw them maybe a total of 2 weeks when they were younger and hasn’t even spoke to them
Baby yoda and sprite steel tumbler
I agree with you. Never happened to me . But I can feel for any women so desperate for a child. It must be heart breaking . Don’t need to hear rude message Have some heart. I Feel sorry for her .must have no feelings. For any one. sounds like a self righteous generalisation of half Baby yoda and sprite steel tumbler the worlds population on your part. My wife and inexperienced fertility problems, amazingly it never once occurred to me
that it couldn’t possibly be me, go figure There are even extremely rare cases of both are completely fine but they are just simply physically incompatible with each other in regards to pregnancy. Unfortunately sometimes one person in a relationship is there through thick and thin for their partner but in return they have to be there for themselves. Its not fair at all but it teaches where u belong in someones life sometimes

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