that the One true God, who created you doesn’t exist. I do hope my logic is clear? Barn owl anti-dust cotton face mask Accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, then you’ll truly see the pure difference
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smart phone or computer you’re using to Facebook, do you understand it 100% ? I guess, the answer is no. Yet you trust it. You know that if you press this or that button, it will respond in certain expected ways. Barn owl anti-dust cotton face mask Yet you don’t understand it’s workings completely. That there are certain things in the holy Scriptures we don’t completely understand with our physical senses and brain, does not prove the word of God false by any means. For your own good, believe in the unconditional love of God, demonstrated in the sacrifice of His Son, Jesus Christ, for all mankind, that you may be saved, for you are loved everlastingly. please keep praying to God and ignore the all the satan. God will help you and your family in many ways.
lady, you have no idea how much wisdom I’ve acquired in life, I’m probably old enough to be your mother or grandmother! Growing up, I way past that! I do realize there are many religions but I’m not claiming to have a religion because God is not religion. God becomes personal in people’s lives. One does not worship religion as it would be against Gods principles, but what’s important is that personal relationship you have with God when you meditate and pray. Religion divides, relationship bonds us! denying the existence of God simply means we all humans, don’t exist. It means you and I, and everyone else, aren’t in existence. Imagine a robot, saying humans don’t exist, thus, you can’t fault them? That’s exactly what you’re doing when you as a human, think in your small brain,

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