The only thing I liked about this video was that you said “you need to teach us”. Black skull low top shoes That’s one of the BIGGEST injustice that the gens before failed at. They didn’t teach there kids, again the majority either failed to parent or did everything for there kids.
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You are correct. So many GenXers are caring for their boomer parents, financially supporting boomerang millennials and enough of us are raising our grandchildren, that school districts now offer classes on how to raise grandchild and still remain a grandparent. Not one of my favs to be honest. I am not a baby boomer not a millennial. Black skull low top shoes I am the lost gen in the middle haha. However, for being someone I admire and someone who speaks on inclusion and unity, I am disappointed Prince Ea.
You made the boomers all ignorant white folks, dress like rich preppies. So your doing the same thing you are accusing them of. Stereotyping. I am close enough to the baby boom age and have work with them. Many fought for equal rights for women, many fought for racial equality. Did you forget what you learned about the 70’s. Roe vs wade. The “hippy gen” peace love and equality. They pioneered peaceful protest. Just like millennials don’t like being generalized neither do baby boomers. Each gen has there faults and each there strengths.

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