I don’t know wkho the reporter is, or whether she is pro-Trump, Boston fire department filter activated carbon face mask but I think she did an excellent job of asking on behalf of a certain point of view. He did not “unload” He answered fully and firmly. Neither was out of line.
Boston fire department filter activated carbon face mask
Tellum Governor Cuomo…it’ s not his fault that someone took a job..that they can barely make in on…shoot better yourself or get a 2nd job…stop whining wayyy to go Gov A true leader. Boston fire department filter activated carbon face mask Answered the questioned truthfully and patiently. Always putting the health and safety of New Yorkers first. I love this guy. I appreciate that he doesn’t back down and pontificate a reply while the reporter keeps coming back at him. His reply of go be an essential worker was classic. First FB comment in over a year. Well deserved, Cuomo. Atleast one person not playing political games with lives. There will always be people worse off and it is terrible but the solution cannot be to make more people even worse off.
I’ve currently been in quarantine in Spain for over 40 days and I still agree with all that he says. He should just be President. He won’t make the press conferences about him. Have you noticed there is less and less of other people talking and just Trump talking. The United States of America wouldn’t know the concept of “We not Me” if it came up and smacked them between the eyes. That is perfect-I agree with Cuomo-It is about “we.” This is why I was so upset when I saw people in my city today who weren’t wearing masks. Thank God that he has given wisdom to our governor to govern our State , common sense is very uncommon nowadays just like this reporter who is trying to twist the reality!
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