how is it stupid, its a direct comparison of what you said God was doing. Can-am motorcycles symbol anti-dust cotton face mask You said God was doing this to make us more appreciative of him
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Plus, spirituality has helped many people in hard times. Not God before atheist jump me, spirituality. So let everyone to their own beliefs while is not harming anyone and instead is bringing Can-am motorcycles symbol anti-dust cotton face mask them comfort during these hard times. God is greater than everything…A lot of pple they are not religious…but when this happened i saw they prayed for help….I know some pple they don’t believe in God or blamed God….No…God put us in this world…God took us away from this world..So u better praying nd thank God for everything that you have… so would you let one of your kids die to make the other one “more appreciative”? If god is real and this is the way he commands your love then he’s a dick and more like a controlling manipulative abusive partner
Yes you are Gods hands and voice for these people in need right now. You must seek God first and foremost above any& all of your doubts sweetie because he loves you so much and he knows what your going through and he wants to use you to reach souls for the kingdom. You are his vessel right now and you must trust and obey. Stay prayed up don’t let satan and his lies pull you down for that is what he wants. The devil knows God wants to use you during this pandemic to reach the lost and he is going to fight you but you trust God read his word meditate on it use Gods word to fight your battles for you will be a victor, may God be with you and bless you abundantly for your compassion.
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