Prevention is a responsibility. We all have to make choices, Canadian firefighter once a firefighter always a firefighter full printing shirt where to work, how much schooling or training to get, how much to spend on housing, food etc, when to start our families, how hard to work.
Canadian firefighter once a firefighter always a firefighter full printing shirt
The folks pjs that have 5 houses employ a shot load if people and spend a shit load of money , as much as they can, ang guess where that money goes? To people willing to work. Yo property taxes that equal the property value every 20 years. Give their houses to the homeless and who pays taxes? Who maintains the homes? Who ? Canadian firefighter once a firefighter always a firefighter full printing shirt The lazy should starve and their children are their responsibility. Unless of course they live in Alabama and have forced birth. Then the state takes care of them
with tax money they get from unicorns. Being responsible starts before you get pregnant. If you are pregnant you are responsible for that child’s life too. That should NOT give you the right to end it. Being responsible at that point would be to make an adoption plan if you really can’t afford to support your child. Social services are there for a hand up not a hand out. They are not ment to be a permanent situation. Also continuing to get pregnant when your situation hasn’t improved is irresponsible.
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