and “I just learned something and now I’m in your face justice warrior for this cause Skull Crown Royal all over print hoodie I haven’t actually learned anything about” folks. Between this and the gluten free makeup rant I saw earlier, the cool stories like this one aren’t worth it anymore.
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I’ve never met a Gypsy who had an issue with the word Gypsy. I’ve met gypsy people who are multiple generations removed from the nomadic lifestyle, I’ve met gypsy people who have only just settled into one place after immigrating into the US and so forth. All were good with the term. Skull Crown Royal all over print hoodie Usage is important. everyone’s sick of the victim mentality. The guy who cut me off in traffic today and made me slam in my brakes really hurt

my feelings and pissed me off, but I’m not interjecting it here bc no one gives af and life goes on. Perhaps invest in a diary to pour your heart out to, and not an uplifting social forum post. Gypsy is absolutely a slur. Just because you “use it in a different way” doesn’t make it less of a slur. And refusing to be corrected or change your language after being informed of the word’s origins is the height of arrogance and privilege. My favourite thing (not) is how people take a perfectly beautiful and interesting photo
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