and have the open mind and tendency to do right. Cat don’t tell me what to do poster When me and my fiance started dating I was still a flirt we both pretry much cheated on each other. There is no “Fixing” something broken.
Cat don’t tell me what to do poster
The weren’t meaning that they had to “fix” each other, but that they were both willing to continuously work on their marriage rather than “throwing it away” or giving up and divorcing. My generation doesn’t want to work for anything and a marriage takes work. When they encounter their first hardship as a married couple, Cat don’t tell me what to do poster they want to give up instead of staying and working on it together “fixing it.” I think that is what the elderly couple was referring to.
If you truly love someone then you are willing to try to fix things instead of just throwing it away. If one person doesn’t realize something is troubling the other then they don’t know how to make it better. So what your saying is I don’t like something you do so instead of fixing it I’m going to walk out the door. Falling in love and pure love are different. Pure love consciously sees himself or herself and love as one and finds bliss and satisfaction. Pure love happens between those who do right

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