Biological families are given the first opportunity to take the children before the children end up in foster care. IN MI they don’t have to be licensed and are paid to take the children. Christmas bah humpug all over print sweater The parents are often given years to get their lives together. There is a process to Foster care that most of you don’t understand.
Christmas bah humpug all over print sweater
I have seen bad adoptive situations as well. In my personal experience and I know many foster and adoptive parents the goal is always to reunite unless it isn’t safe to do so . There is good and bad in every scenario. I would completely support bio parents raising their children when it’s a healthy environment. it’s not about you. there are plenty of children Christmas bah humpug all over print sweater who are in horrible familial situations of abuse, neglect or just purely unwanted that need loving homes. but the adoption agencies profit off of taking babies from women and selling them to women/families who are desperate for children. and that’s wrong.

there should be no money involved unless it’s for medical bills. as an ex-foster parent. You saying you are hoping to adopt is 100% saying you hope to build your family with the parts of others. You are hoping a mom fails to get her kid back so you can have them. I’ve been there, but I learned and I know better now. It. Is. Wrong. There isn’t money in foster care adoption for facilitators as you call it. In private adoption yes.
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