The biological parents typically get many chances to get their children back . There are many times where it is not safe for the child and eventually rights are severed . The grumpy cat dashing through the no all over print sweater Some of these children suffer so badly I am thankful that there are foster and adoptive parents that love them .
The grumpy cat dashing through the no all over print sweater
you’re twisting the words here. Learn how to read and comprehend. It was never implied the little girl should be grateful. but for the record she is in fact expressing gratitude for her and her sister which is sweet and adorable now take this feeling of pure love that you feel from listening to this sweet babe speak from her true heart, The grumpy cat dashing through the no all over print sweater and use it to fuel the start of big changes in the adoption/foster industry. imagine how much more of this love could be had if the process wasn’t centered around making money that goes straight into facilitators pockets,

but instead around creating this everlasting love and happiness and family. Or how about focusing resources on helping families stay together. Rather than the adoption industry selling them so people can build their families with the parts of others. I agree with your overall sentiment but as a foster parent who hopes to adopt one day, your characterization that I would just be “building my family with the parts of others” is hurtful and frankly, incorrect. I agree with you it is hurtful and incorrect. Foster care does try very hard to reunite families.
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