No a parent prepares their kid for the real world. He’s handicapping her by not allowing her to grow and get out of her comfort zone. That’s what’s wrong with kids today – Christmas kiss rock band 3d shirt everyone gets a trophy and aren’t allowed to experience challenges or stress and learn how to handle situations because Daddy will Fox it for them.
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even if it was the main performance, they’re not friggin professionals here, who do you think is watching those other little girls if dad wasn’t on stage? their parents. everyone is watching their own kid! and who do you think is watching those same other little girls if the dad is there? their parents. no one lacked any attention. seriously, get over yourself and keep the hatred to yourself, this guy is a phenomenal dad in a world where many men are not. that’s what I thought too. Christmas kiss rock band 3d shirt He should’ve step off to the side once she calmed down. I would’ve been upset with him doing the entire dance. All the girls worked hard and total attention was on them.
Dance class and recitals are expensive. unlike you and the person who created this comment, he wasn’t thinking about himself and the money he put in. He was thinking about his daughter and her experience! Isn’t that what it’s truly about? I’m sure if you’d ask any of those little girls on stage if they were mad they would probably say no. If anything it would probably be a funny memory for them. It should be about children enjoying moments in life without overbearing parents who are trying to live out their dreams through their children trying to control everything to the point where they’re not even having fun. Calm down I’m sure there are many more moments to be had.

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