Yes, it may be a mistake to place with you but that doesn’t mean someone else would not be a good choice as well. I can’t stop playing this over and over. Christmas tree all over print sweater To think she wasn’t adopted until she was 4. Where was she before? Wherever she was, she was treated well. She’s such a wonderful little girl.
Christmas tree all over print sweater
My mama loved me more than anything and I loved her with all my heart too. My kids and I are exactly where we are supposed to be. I’m sorry if you think we all should have grown up in broken, loveless, dangerous families just to keep the bloodline intact. How sad.. Some people should not be parents. Some people should not adopt and I suspect you are one of those people. Christmas tree all over print sweater Please keep your judgements to yourself so people like me and my kids do not have to defend our grafted families filled with love, safety, stability, etc. We are happy. Too bad you can’t see that through your jaded eyes.

Prayers for you tonight. There is no way more murderers are adopting than loving families. Obviously, this is very personal to you. You must have had a bad experience and I am sorry for you but to paint all adoptive families with one stroke is wrong, prejudicial, and just plain ignorant! that is not what she said. You are twisting her words for your own narrative. She is saying she hopes to be there to pick up the pieces permanently for a foster child with no hopes of reunification. Please don’t be so hateful! You may not be able to love out of bloodline but many do have capability.
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