I’m so glad the thin blue line is behind you. I support our police and your efforts. They have some tough talk for young punks. I wonder Dear daddy I can’t wait to meet you pregnant fleece blanket the gutless wonders can stand up to a real fight. Toe to toe, man on man. It seems them only have a few semi tough people, and they are in a big mob because they can’t stand alone.
Dear daddy I can’t wait to meet you pregnant fleece blanket
you stole America, killed off the Indian’s buffalo, had the much stronger, far more resilient, sun-protected slave build America & the only thing you dominate is the lies, treachery, & murder you’ve carried out You do realize that at its peak only 8% of households in the US owned slaves , right? So its not possible that they alone built America as you state. Dear daddy I can’t wait to meet you pregnant fleece blanket Overall a minor contribution at best. Right, let’s take a look at who’s people are still living in mud huts and starving to death from stupidity…nope not any white country. But yeah you’re superior lol you dumb fucks cant even figure out how to grow corn. Grasping for straws are we Darin…

you know there are legal now in California where you’re probably from because you know that’s where the weirdos like Maxine Waters people with your skin color live We get it Guerilla Warfare by Che Guevara changed your life. I was doing more advance missions than than these antifia clowns, when I was 9 years old and playing army with my friends. These people are a bunch of morons, who’ve bought into too much revolutionary, The media no longer adhere to their constitutional directives. They are entirely progressive parrots. Time to stop supporting them and find alternative and truthful news sources!
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