when Jesus is involved Dog captain america poster My understanding of the actual ruling was that it did not specifically say that she had the right to pray. All it did was reverse or vacate the verdict of the 10th circuit so that she could if she wished pursue it in court further.
Dog captain america poster
well, I’m sorry to say she was in the wrong and I am a Christian…its why we have churches..simple as that. Can’t share this one…sorry fellow Christian. Something you did was just plain too loud for the neighborhood to bare. This story makes you look like a kook. The cops were once again thrown to the wolves for doing their job. Most religifreaks are normal everyday people Dog captain america poster that love God and will pray to Him anytime and where. Because of my belief and I pray anytme/anywhere that I feel that should pray
that is reprehensible to you??? WHY?? Unless you just hate God! No.. something’s not right So basically she was being loud as hell and didn’t answer for the cops the first time then finally answered and went off on some crazy religious rant and started praying and they told her to stop because they were questioning her lol this lady is off her damn meds anyone can turn a situation around
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