that sometimes you have to pay out of pocket for better care? Dog husky i am your friend poster like everyone would have to if it wasn’t for our system? i only regret that ungrateful assholes like you could opt out of the system completely,
Dog husky i am your friend poster
spent almost 1 yr in a hospital in the Netherlands. In the end, the docs told us if we paid in cash, they’d cut the bill in 1/2. That’s exactly what happens in a socialist medical system. Eventually, no one feels as though they’re treated fairly (especially those who are in highly educated jobs as they Dog husky i am your friend poster age w/ less compensation) and find ways around it. unlike some of you guys shitting on canada’s health care system,
i live in canada, and i can tell you from experience that the system is awesome. sure, sometimes you have to wait longer than if it was all for profit, but the fact that even the poorest members of society have access to quality health care absolutely makes the wait worth while. so stop shitting on something you don’t know anything about just to justify your dumb point. so your argument is that our system is so bad
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