Like the wild horses that need are help to live there life free and wild. Five finger death punch sugar skull full printing shirt Not in pens or put to death by people that don’t want them around. Being a retired wildlife officer, I saw a lot of people over the years out fishing
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We always give to the Mission Thanksgiving and Christmas to feed the hungry. And with all the disasters all over the world it is easy to get caught up in the giving. But we never miss it. thank you Lord for your guidance and understanding. Thank you for your patience. But, most of all thank you Five finger death punch sugar skull full printing shirt for holding my hand and leading my path. Thank you Lord for all your blessings now and always. I thank you in Jesus Christ Name Amen!
There was one a pizza store manager that would send a driver to my house with pizza too make sure my kids had food to eat because I had just been partially paralyzed on my entire left side & couldn’t even sit up without throwing up due to the spinal fluid leak thanks to her my daughter’s who were 4yr & 15 months old at the time were able to eat. Thank you for the story it is good to give then receive . I like giving to things that matter to me.

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