if you can’t see the difference between self-defense, Flags of the confederate states of america skull all over print shirt protecting one’s family v the taking of an innocent life for convenience, you are truly lost…but then i kind of gathered that from your original post.
Flags of the confederate states of america skull all over print shirt
if we wasnt able to get them…if you take them as your suppose to and manage the control over them they are not a problem im sry but not everybody wants to smoke or take medical maryjane me personally don’t like it at all the smell or the taste so if they band the use of pain meds what are the ones of us that truly need them suppose to do..you shold only take Flags of the confederate states of america skull all over print shirt what is perscribed to u and never buy anything from anyone its a cold world we are living in and u cant trust no one!!!
There are to mah ppl overdosing but lets be honest its not their prescriptions thats killing ppl its street drugs like H or the stronger things other ppl are mixing with the drugs they are saleing to make more money..Againg im truly sorry for amyones lose to this ive also lost family and friends but not because they wherr take ” wow, i mean just wow…this has to be one of the dumbest equivications i have ever heard. no, killing isn’t just killing and the bible even covers that you ignorant moron.

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