which they risked arrest to get it out on social media. Ford motor symbol anti-dust cotton face mask I saw a video on Reddit of a Chinese security guard who was sitting at his desk one moment, perfectly fine,
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with little chance of surviving and you multiple it by 1,000 that’s 7,000. Is it better to cure 40,000 patients in those days or try to save those who can’t be can’t be saved! Ford motor symbol anti-dust cotton face mask watch out for the virus sounds like you are one of the weak ones if you say what u did….next step in your world would be to get rid of the ones that top considers poor u know anyone making less than let’s say a million a year needs to go as well. Good luck buddy. I wish u good health because this thing is bad. I feel like there is a common theme I keep seeing lately….there’s not enough doctors and nurses….there’s not enough judges and lawyers…..hmm maybe they should make college free… !! I know this is off topic but I keep seeing this.
I don’t know why we can’t see… What’s wrong with all you doubters & naysayers?!! This is the TRUTH from the frontlines. just cleaned out my list of friends that feel this way…its so annoying. Regardless of which party you support, this $h!t is real. personally the biggest problem is Faux News and Trump’s Twitter account. People are being misled and flat out lied to. I watched Faux News the other day and their coverage of COVID-19 is all about Trump how much he’s done how mean everyone is to him. They’re living in an alternate realty. no asscrack, I get my information from several different outlets, including CNN. Thanks to CNN’s reporting on Wuhan – and Chinese people risking arrest to share the truth about this disease,

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