Ford racing performance all over printed shirt The bird never screamed for help while they were there. So why didn’t they investigate further? And how clever if someone was a serial kidnapper/murderer for them to train their parrot to scream for help as a cover.
Ford racing performance all over printed shirt
that the cops were smiling when they got there…. meaning this has happened before. They likely searched his house before. that’s exactly why they should have went in the house dumb ass he claimed it was the bird but the bird ain’t scream so it could have been a person in there who the bird was repeating Ford racing performance all over printed shirt so yes they should have went and looked dumb ass They had no probable cause to search his residence and clearly
no warrant so they cant enter his home unless he allows them to. He told them to wait so that’s what they legally have to do. Plus if neighbors can hear the screaming im sure the cops would too if someone were truly in distress. is multiple calls to the police of someone screaming for help not probable cause enough to go in with him and make sure no one is being held captive? I don’t get how this even happened like that and they just walked away. I thought the same thing.

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