You were kind enough to leave an angry emoji against my comment to Friday night dinner welome and shalom to you door mat “A whale did attack, and sink, a whaling ship” along with your own “Their posts were actually much closer to fact anyway.”
Friday night dinner welome and shalom to you door mat
If everyone just respected and loved one another regardless of religious or cultural beliefs or lifestyles, the world would be a better place. (meaning “everyone” for any sjw’s reading this) has corrupted. you may hold onto the filth of the world, the murder, the theft, the adultery, the lies and the deception, but there is one thing nobody can deny, Friday night dinner welome and shalom to you door mat and that is that anything humans touch is imperfect and always fails in some way, always seems to fall apart and no matter what we do, it continues to happen.
all i ask from anyone, is that they put their pride away for just a little while and read some of the bible for themselves, i beg of them just as god has begged of us all. i will now leave the status of this conversation. when you assert facts, especially outside your realm of expertise Now for citations on sperm whale behaviors in particular I suggest you read more pubs by Shane Gero and Hal Whitehead. For killer whales you can refer to John Ford, Erich Hoyt, and Ken Biggs, among others. You can also read about the encounter that Bernd Wursig had in Patagonia.
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