She’s doing great. I couldn’t imagine ever losing her. Friends ross and the leather pants cartoon poster I cried when I read your post. My granddaughter has changed all of us for the better.
Friends ross and the leather pants cartoon poster
8 months before my daughter was born. we had the same experience. Didn’t know until she was three days old. She stayed in the NICU for eight days until I was trained how to tube feed her. Friends ross and the leather pants cartoon poster The put a dnr over her bed every time we left the hospital for the night. I was only 24 years old when she was born. Young, naive, and no one knew what this was. The hospital flew a geneticist in from Washington to figure out what she had. After the diagnosis they tried to send her home with hospice. I refused. Took care of her on my own for the first three months. Then at about three and a half months I asked for help. I always say my only regret is not taking more pictures.
Please please please feel free to contact me anytime if you need someone to talk to, just vent to, or anything at all. You’re definitely not alone!!! Sometimes people tell me to just enjoy my healthy boys and I want to slap them. I do enjoy my boys and I always worry I’m going to lose one of them. Nearly lost my youngest three times before he turned 10, middle one was suicidal, oldest… well you get my point. But even with all the laughter and good times I have with my boys…. it’s not like having a daughter. No mommy daughter spa dates, picking dresses for formals, braiding hair, sharing shoes……I miss my princess. my 3 year old granddaughter has a chromosome deletion and has some delays in learning, walking and talking, etc., and just had a kidney transplant in September.

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