NO they should be required to have their testicles removed. Georgetown hoyas men’s basketball this is how i save the world face mask This would prevent pregnancies, and reduce crime as their testosterone levels would be dramatically reduced.
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You went on to be who you truly were meant be, one of the great Statesmen of our time. I wish so much for things to get better, after all your hard work, you deserve to see a civilized, Georgetown hoyas men’s basketball this is how i save the world face mask progressive, loving nation of rules and laws all citizens adhere to and enjoy. I wish this so much for you, for my child, for myself and all my fellow Americans. This is a great example of a unifying leader. A leader who models would each and everyone of us strive to become. He not only preaches about strong moral character, HE LIVES IT! HE DOES IT! HE IS THE EXAMPLE OF AN ETHICAL MORAL UPSTANDING AMERICAN! Absolutely agree in a nation where you can kill your baby after it is born,
there are no longer human rights One of the unique ethical and powerful POTUS in USA history. He’s like no one else. May you continue with your healthy and kind spirit for more years to come. You are an incredible human being Good Person but like President Teddy Roosevelt speak softly and carry a big stick. Trump carries a big stick, he getting out of Syria, then Afghanistan. Let them fight there own wars. Trump don’t want war, he wants trade everyone makes money. And do do I Every man that votes for this bill should be required to have a vasectomy. if a vasectomy to stop the murder of unborn children you could cut the whole thing off for me I guess you don’t like people telling you what to do with your body. Interesting. or you could just mind your own buissness alot easier
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