Maybe you should look at this country the way you look at your precious “safe spaces” Georgia bulldogs punisher full printing face mask and understand that AMERICA is a SAFE SPACE, and we want to keep it that way.
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Working very hard to take this Nation to the right direction. Democratic are just sitting there doing nothing but bringing non sense accusations against the President for the crime he didn’t commited. Georgia bulldogs punisher full printing face mask Very desperate to loose another election that’s why, they play with tax payers money doing nothing. Let the voter decide in 2020, and stop deviding this nation. 2020 is for Trump. It was passed unanimously in the senate. It sat on his desk, for a while afraid it might hamper trade negotiations… Negotiations are already fkd up, so there President Trump visited the troops in Afghanistan for Thanksgiving, signed legislation to make animal cruelty a federal crime, and signed legislation for democracy and human rights in Hong Kong
so he should be given credit for the good things he has done. Just what are you doing writing laws for China? You dumbbell you are supposed to be the president of this country (US incase you forgot and tell Moscow Mitch to get them off his desk and start them rolling. Never mind China or North Korea or the Taliban, do something RIGHT for our own country. You are not only dumb but lazy as hell. He’s just trying to do something to make himself look good because of this impeachment trials. He still evil trashy human The president signs something that is good and all the haters can do is complain about something else… Catch a clue.. Liberals complain about wanting “safe spaces” when it comes to their feelings and mental state, but can’t understand that this country needs boundaries when it comes to allowing people into it…
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