but what about her baby looking down from heaven… Groot hold shamrock saint patrick’s day full printing shirt does he now feel abandoned and betrayed People have claimed to be Christian but never listen to anything Jesus taught!
Groot hold shamrock saint patrick’s day full printing shirt
by taking him off the streets. Not to mention that she gained back a son. It is always a question of good and bad choices but nothing any of you on here have to say in relation to my comments will not change my original comments in relation to this. agree i would never forgive anyone It hurts me so bad that my brother is gone. Groot hold shamrock saint patrick’s day full printing shirt May he RIP. Now his son is in college staying strong.
What hurts me more and made me cry is that when he graduated, he put his father’s picture on his cap saying how much he loves him. Blessings are all around you friend! Not everyone needs to be forgiven. You can accept what has happened in time i.e. murder, abuse, rape etc but it doesn’t make you a bad person or “sinner” not to forgive someone and a kid that never had a chance since he was probably born,

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