It’s not something I’m proud to admit. Groot hug san francisco 49ers nfl full printing shirt I hope you wrote to Bernie Sanders with your complaints. He bought mansion #6 with his payoff money from running for Dem nomination in 2016.
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We give I help run a orphan and foster care ministry that helps with children in need and I also help bio families with services that will help them back on their feet… Guess what most of them don’t show up, then ones that do find success and get themselves out of what they got into…. Groot hug san francisco 49ers nfl full printing shirt I egree with you.I just can tell you my experience here in US.My family came here with a few luggages and no English knowledge
We never applied for food stamps or government help.We were told by friends and relatives that it is shame to live on the government.They told me that We Eastern Europeans are proud people don’t accept handouts. We made it here Why the fuck would I lie about that its just fucken stupid . I would like to be proud of my family. But admitting that’s what my cousin is doing from what I’m told from his mother.
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