This precious child is a very good example of what the power of God cañ do. I believe with all my heart that God has a plan for this child. She’s experience a miracle. Groot hugging jack daniel’s 3d hoodie Her Faith was strong. Oh how I wish More young and old could have Faith in our Lord. Seeing is believing. We serve a Awesome God. He’s always there for you.
Groot hugging jack daniel’s 3d hoodie
Ask and you shall receive. Thank you Jesus. when I read your reply I wrote you a long reply back. However I deleted it because if you were a Christian and had Faith in God you would have never made such a remark. You would Know that God is Good not Evil. Have you ever heard of the power of prayer, or that sometimes God shows us with his Love what a powerful God he is. Groot hugging jack daniel’s 3d hoodie Who knows Ms. Smith this child could have been Saved from death and brought back by our Lord so that a non believer might see first hand how Great and Powerful our God really is. I assure you God doesn’t play games with people’s souls, only the Devil does that. But you and only you know if you’re hearts right with God.

And by your remark ,I will be praying for you. Just remember Ms. Smith He’ll is Hot….. Heaven is Not. And there will be a day that we All stand before God. My prayer is that if you’re heart is not full of God’s Love and you are not saved, than you will repent your sins and ask the Lord for forgiveness. He hears all PRAYERS that come from the Heart!!!!! Once again I’ll be praying for you Ms. Smith. I can only tell you that yes while there are many religious teaching basically the same, their not. I read the King James Version of the Bible.
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